Civic Journalism:
Civic Journalism includes several key components:
First, you start with a plain piece of paper (or a blank computer screen). You then add either a question or a subject.
From that simple beginning, you produce the news column.
You gather information from multiple sources that either answer the question or illuminate the subject.
You do not start with a premise and then gather the evidence to back your thesis.
This means that the news column initially anticipated is not what the actual news column
Community Affairs:
Corporate Social Responsibility:
Grant Writer:
Public Affairs:
Public Relations:
Able to provide information of interest to reporters, journalists, producers, assignment desk editors, and others in the news media that meet their individual needs and are of interest to the target audiences of the specific news media operations. Able to focus on issues that place each of the represented organizations in the most favorable light. Able to always be forthright and truthful when interacting with the news media.