The TwoCents.News Chronicles:
Summer Animals Essay

August of 2019

Deer in Field.jpg

 One of several deer in a herd on the move in August of 2019.


Deer in Field - 2.jpg

A deer takes a (short) break from eating vegetation in the Summer of 2019.


Orange tulips blooming under a tree.


Small daffodils in March of 2019.

Violets in bloom throughout woodlands.

White daffodils - with a couple yellow daffodils - are seen here in bloom in April of 2019.

 Red tulips grouped together.

Light pink, striped red, and yellow tulips in bloom in April of 2019.

Purple and pink hyacinths are seen here with white and yellow daffodils.


The photos are provided courtesy of Richard McDonough.


© 2019 Richard McDonough