Glenside Local:
Vote Delayed On Proposed Zoning Change In Abington Township
December 19, 2018
The Abington Township Board of Commissioners held a meeting last night to review and vote on the proposed zoning change for the land that currently includes the Abington Branch of the YMCA.
According to a statement from R.O.A.R.Z. Residents of Abington for Responsible Zoning, no vote was taken by the Abington Township Board of Commissioners.
"It was a packed house, unlike any other meeting I have seen before," stated Mr. Keith Kleiman, a moderator for the Facebook Page of this group of homeowners and residents of Abington Township. "Standing room only in the hallway leading into the meeting room. Thank you to all the concerned residents who came out to show support."
"Due to time and to allow all Abington residents the freedom to voice there concerns for the project," Mr. Kleiman continued, "a vote was NOT taken last night. The plan is to have another meeting with the board of commissioners to continue the discussion and conclude with a vote."
The hearing last night focused "on the proposed zoning ordinance text amendment to create a new H-12 Senior Apartment Unit use in the AO- Apartment-Office zoning district and a zoning map amendment to to rezone certain parcels of property to the Apartment-Office zoning district," according to a statement from the Township.
BET Investments is proposing the development of Abington Terrace on the land currently occupied by the Abington Branch of the Philadelphia Freedom Valley YMCA.
The parcels of real estate in this development are located, according to Abington Township, at at 1059, 1067 and 1073 Old York Road and at 1062 Huntingdon Road in Abington.
According to Abington Township, "BET Investments is proposing the development of an age restricted apartment community. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing structures on the properties and construct a multistory apartment building. The applicant proposes to create a new use within the zoning ordinance that they have listed as (Use H-12 Senior Apartment Units). The applicant proposes modifications to the permitted density, building height, impervious coverage, setbacks and green space required for this type of development within the Township of Abington. These properties are zoned within the (CS) Community Service District and the R-3 Residential District of Ward #7 of the Township of Abington."
The images of the proposed Abington Terrace are
provided courtesy of BET Investments, 2018.