Glenside Local:
Small Business Saturday In Glenside

November 24, 2018

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The Downtown Glenside Community Partnership is encouraging local folks - as well as visitors from throughout the area - to shop small today.

Small Business Saturday.

According to the Downtown Glenside Community Partnership, a number of businesses will have special deals today, including "DC Interiors, Sweet Magnolia, TreVi, DRESS 2 DANCE, Flow Kitchen, Glenside Pub, Rocky's Glenside, Primex Garden Center, The Dovetail Artisans, Anne's Kitchen Table, Won Institute of Graduate Studies, Jasmine Asian Bistro, Hibberts [Engraving], Wesley Pharmacy & Home Medical Equipment, [and] Rustic & Refined."

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Small Business Saturday began as a promotional event of American Express in 2010.  According to a statement from the firm, "Small businesses [were]...hurting from an economy in recession.  In an effort to support local shops that make our communities strong, American Express [launched]...Small Business Saturday on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage people to Shop Small and bring more holiday shopping to small businesses."

"One year later, as the Shop Small Movement [gained]...momentum," the statement continued, "local officials across the nation [took]...notice and promote Small Business Saturday."

The promotional event received widespread support from governmental leaders throughout the country,  according to the statement from American Express:  "In 2011, the Senate unanimously [passed]...a resolution in support of the day, and officials in all 50 states [participated]...It even [got]...a shout-out from the President of the United States."


Posters are provided courtesy of the Downtown Glenside Community Partnership, 2018.