Glenside Local:
Meeting Of Montgomery County Commissioners
February 7, 2019

February 6, 2019

Montgomery County Logo.jpg

A meeting will be held tomorrow - Thursday, February 7, 2019 - of the Montgomery County Commissioners.

A copy of the planned agenda for the meeting can be viewed by clicking here.

Among the items to be discussed are how Montgomery County will collect taxes on temporary stays in non-hotel structures in the County.  Details on how Montgomery County has not been receiving tax revenue for years from visitors using platforms such as Airbnb were detailed in an earlier series of The Tookany Valley Chronicles in Glenside Local.  You can view the summary of these previous news columns by clicking here.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 10:00 AM and will be held in Suite 800 of One Montgomery Plaza, located at Airy and Swede Streets in Norristown.


The logo of Montgomery County is provided courtesy of Montgomery County.

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© 2019 Richard McDonough