Glenside Local:
Gobble Wobble 5K Run In Abington
November 21, 2018
The Abington Branch of the Philadelphia Freedom Valley YMCA will be holding its Gobble Wobble 5K Run tomorrow - Thanksgiving Day.
The run starts at 9:00 AM.
"All ages are invited for fun and fitness before consuming thousands of calories at the big feast," according to a statement from the YMCA.
"The Run Course [starting] line is on Huntingdon Road, one-half of a block from the Abington YMCA," the statement continued. "The run will proceed through a quiet residential area of Abington Township with rolling hills finishing Olympic style on the track at Memorial Field."
"The 2 Mile Walk [Course] predominantly flat, with the last mile running parallel to the runners," according to the YMCA. "Families, strollers and all ages are encouraged to be part of the walk. The walk is not timed."
Among new features this year, according to the YMCA, are a "Kids pre-race dash. This event is free for ages 6 and [younger]...and free babysitting for your potty-trained child age 6 [and younger is provided]."
You can still register in person at the Abington YMCA today, Wednesday, November 21st, until 7:45 PM. On Race Day, you can register from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM at the Abington Branch of the YMCA.
Registration Fees:
$30 - Adult Runner
$28 - Adult Walker
$15 - Age 12 and younger
Group Registration Pricing:
4 or 5 Adult Runners or Walkers: $27 each
6 or 7 Adult Runners or Walkers: $26 each
8 or more Adult or Child entries $6 off each
The YMCA indicated that "Long sleeve cotton t-shirt [are provided] while supplies last."
As noted, there is no registration fee for the Kids Dash (ages 6 and younger). Please note that no shirt is included for the Kids Dash.
In the statement from the YMCA, it is noted that "All proceeds of this event benefit the Abington YMCA Financial Assistance program, insuring that no one is turned away from valuable YMCA services due to inability to pay."
Awards will be given to the top 3 overall male and the top overall female winners as well as the top 3 male and female winners in each of the age groups:
12 years of age and younger
13-15 years of age
16-19 years of age
20-24 years of age
25-29 years of age
30-34 years of age
35-39 years of age
40-44 years of age
45-49 years of age
50-54 years of age
55-59 years of age
60-64 years of age
65-69 years of age
70 years of age and older
For more information, email Ms. Beth Kenas at the Abington Branch of the Philadelphia Freedom Valley YMCA at or call 215-884-9622, extension 1840.
The photographs are provided courtesy of the Philadelphia Freedom Valley YMCA, 2018.