Glenside Local:
Free Naloxone Distribution

December 12, 2018

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"The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services will participate in Stop Overdoses in PA:  Get Help Now Week, a statewide initiative to get the overdose reversal medication naloxone to Pennsylvanians and get help for residents suffering from the disease of opioid-use disorder," according to Mr. John Corcoran, Director of Communications for Montgomery County.

"As part of that initiative, the Department of Health and Human Services, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH), will sponsor a free 'Naloxone Day' distribution to the public on Thursday, December 13th," Mr. Corcoran continued.  "This will be the largest one-day naloxone distribution nationwide."

Montgomery County residents will be able to request a free naloxone kit between 8 AM and 4:00 PM at the Willow Grove Health Center of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services.  This public health center is located on the 4th floor at 102 York Road in Willow Grove.

Each naloxone kit is to include 2 doses of the medication.


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"Although the initiative targets those who cannot or do not wish to procure naloxone from their pharmacy," according to Mr. Corcoran, "anyone who feels they can benefit from having a dose of naloxone on hand can participate; those who may have a substance use disorder, their family or friends, or those who may encounter someone in crisis."

"One kit per person [will be provided] while supplies last," Mr. Corcoran concluded.  "No personal information will be asked for or collected.  When residents receive their kit, they will also be given a list of participating pharmacies as well as educational material, including two magnets:  one magnet that shows the four-step process for administering naloxone and one with the Get Help Now phone number."

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Please note that Montgomery County indicated that there is "very limited parking lot spaces" at this location in Willow Grove.  "County parking [is located] across York Road from the [Montgomery County] Annex Building" [and that people should] cross the street at Burger King crossway," according to Montgomery County.  The County requested that people "DO NOT PARK IN BURGER KING LOT or BAKERY LOT."


The photograph and poster are provided courtesy of Montgomery County, 2018.