Glenside Local:
Dr. Ajay Nair Inaugurated As President Of Arcadia University

October 24, 2018


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Dr. Ajay Nair of Arcadia University.
(The photograph of Dr. Ajay Nair was provided courtesy of Arcadia University, 2018.)

“The truth shall set us free,” was the message from Dr. Ajay Nair on October 13th, at his inauguration as the new President of Arcadia University, according to a news release from the University.  Hundreds of students, staff, faculty, alumni, trustees, families, friends, and community members attended the inauguration.  Dr. Nair is the 22nd President of Arcadia University.

“In the role of president, I am privileged to serve my community by working to transform the higher education landscape through truth, justice, and liberation,” stated  President Nair. “We need leaders that are committed to justice; leaders that can problem solve and think critically; leaders that are thoughtful and imaginative in their approach; and leaders that seek the truth. We are about to embark on a journey that will pave the way for others and change the landscape of higher education and the world around us.”

“Dr. Nair demonstrates the vision and leadership needed to reimagine liberal arts education, tackle complex issues in higher education, and strengthen the Arcadia University experience for generations of students to come,” said Dr. Doreen Loury, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice.

“The inauguration of President Ajay Nair marks a new chapter in Arcadia’s esteemed history, which stretches back to 1853,” said Ms. Alison (Aaron) Madsen.  “It is my great pleasure, as Chair of the Arcadia University Board of Trustees, to install you in [the Office of the President] with all its requisite rights, privileges, and responsibilities.”


The photograph of Dr. Ajay Nair was provided courtesy of Arcadia University, 2018.

No copyrights to this image is held or claimed by Richard McDonough.