Glenside Local:
Christmas Tree Collections In Abington Township
December 26, 2018
Abington Township will be collecting cut Christmas trees in January of 2019.
According to a statement from the Township, residents are asked to place discarded cut Christmas trees at the curbside on the regular "trash day beginning the first trash day of the year...Christmas trees and all greenery are included in this recycling."
The cut Christmas trees "are collected through the end of the month," the statement continued. "A designated truck will collect the trees...The trees will be taken to the Public Works facility and chipped into mulch for residents' use in the spring. Trees will be collected curbside only; no trees can be taken to the Public Works yard by residents."
Abington Township requested that "the trees and greenery should be free of all decorations, wires, and tree stands."
If you have questions about cut Christmas tree collections, the Township encourages residents to call 267-536-1038.